Are you interested in contributing to our blog’s recurring feature, Reader Advisory? This is a short, five-item book list from experts on a wide variety of topics. Send us a message at [email protected] with your proposed topic, and we will send you the form to submit. Recent topics have included:

Five Dark Novels To Make You Think

Five Inexplicably Popular Romances

Five Books for Painless Adulting

Five Books To Lessen the Pain of a Dead-End Job

A book recommendation can be short or long, but a short, one- or two-sentence summary is fine. “This book changed my life; tidying up really is magic” is enough, or “The awkward, bumbling yet adorable protagonist is me, I've never felt such kinship with a fictional character” or “The sentence structure and word choice is terrible but the pacing is amazing, I couldn't put this book down.” If you want to wax lyrical, that's fine; we will be happy to edit for clarity and coherence.